
  • Submissions To The Literary Review
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 8. 09:15

    Our book reviews are usually 1,000 to 1,200 words in length and written for a general-interest literary audience; please familiarize yourself with the reviews published in KROnline before querying. Queries should include a description of the book you wish to review and/or a synopsis of the review (if already written).

    As of May 7, 2019 our submission fees and contributor payments have changed. We also increased our pay to writers.

    1. Thank you for your interest in submitting to the Bellevue Literary Review. We are currently CLOSED to submissions. We will reopen on September 1, 2018. The BLR seeks high-caliber, unpublished work, broadly and creatively related to our themes of health, healing, illness, the mind, and the body.
    2. The next time you have work that’s ready to submit, why not send it to us? The Sun is a reader-supported ad-free magazine. We’ve been described in many ways: celebratory, fierce, unflinching, thoughtful, truthful, dark, darkly funny, tender.

    Please see below or visit our page for details.Submissions are open May 7 through July 31. Before submitting, please review our guidelines, submitting options, and editorial preferences below or on our.We will ask you to re-submit by opening up editing options on your submission should your submission not meet these guidelines.Poets, please note a new feature: we are offering feedback for up to 70 poetry submissions.With each submission we provide an electronic version of our most recent issue.Our response time is between one and three months. Previous contributors to the Tahoma Literary Review should wait one full reading period after publication of their work before submitting to us again. Please submit only once per reading period.We ask for first North American serial rights; all rights revert to the author upon publication. We may ask to reprint work on our website.As of May 7, 2019, we pay $55 for flash prose and short poems and $135 for longer prose and poems (from 1,500 to 6,000 words for nonfiction; 1,500 to 10,000 words for fiction; over 7 pages for poetry).General and Formatting Guidelines:.

    Our submission fee for poetry and flash is $4. The fee for longer fiction and nonfiction is $5. If these submission fees present a hardship, please contact us and we will try to help. All submissions should be made via Submittable.

    Submissions To The Literary Review

    If this limitation presents an accessibility issue, please the editors to arrange for an alternative submission method. Prose submissions must be double-spaced. Use Courier or Times New Roman font, 12-point type with one inch margins. Word and PDF files only, please. Cover letters are welcome, and we enjoy reading them.

    (In nonfiction, they are read after the submission.) But don’t tell us what your submission is about, tell us what you’re about. For fiction submissions, please submit one short story between 1,500 and 10,000 words. We are no longer reading novel excerpts. For nonfiction submissions, please submit one nonfiction piece of between 1,500 and 6,000 words. For poetry submissions, please submit up to 6 poems in a single document. There are no length restrictions for individual poems.

    Submissions To The Literary Review

    Please include your name after the title of each poem in the manuscript. For flash (fiction or nonfiction) submissions, please submit 1 to 2 pieces in a single document. The word limit is 1,500 total. Feedback options are available for prose and poetry submissions; a submission that includes the feedback option is $8 for fiction and nonfiction, $7 for flash and poetry submissions.

    A full critique is available for fiction submissions. Cost is $50-$85, depending on length. We do not accept previously published material. This includes publication in any public venue, including print, web, and personal blogs.

    Please wait to hear back from us before submitting again. At this time, we are not reading plays, screenplays, translations, reviews, work that includes images, or novel excerpts.

    We welcome simultaneous submissions: please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.

    The Matador Review is an online literature and art quarterly.We publish four issues annually: the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter issues. We invite all unpublished literature written in the English language (and translations accompanied by the original text) as well as many forms of visual art. All work must be electronically submitted to editors@matadorreview.comwith 'Submission: Name, Title' in the subject line (for example, 'Submission: Jane Smith, 5 Poems').Simultaneous submissions are welcomed; however, please let us know if the work is accepted elsewhere. Multiple submissions are also welcomed, though we ask that you submit only once per genre per issue. The genres are as follows: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Visual Art.For general inquiries, requests, and concerns, contact us at contact@matadorreview.com. FOR LITERATURE SUBMISSIONS:.Works of literature should be attached to the email as a.doc,.docx, or.pdf file. We will not consider submissions that are not within these file formats.We suggest that submissions be formatted with 12 pt.

    Southwest Review

    Times New Roman type.You may add a cover letter into the body of the email that includes your first and last name, email address, the title of your work(s), and a brief bio (100 words or less).We undergo a 'blind' submissions process. Personal information should not appear anywhere on the attached document(s).Fiction and Nonfiction: We accept all work that is under 10,000 words. Please submit only one piece per submission.Poetry Guidelines: Please submit 1-6 poems within one document. FOR VISUAL ART SUBMISSIONS:.Works of visual art should be attached to the email as a.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.png, or.pdf file. If the work cannot be attached as so, then we cannot consider the submission.You may add a cover letter into the body of the email that includes your first and last name, email address, the title of your work(s), and a brief bio (100 words or less).

    You may also include a 1-50 word 'artist's statement' about each work.We undergo a 'blind' submissions process. Personal information should not appear anywhere on the attached document(s) aside from signatures on the work itself.We accept most forms of visual art; this includes, but is not limited to: photography, illustration, animation, sculpture, painting, ceramics, and drawing.We understand that some art, such as architecture and crafts, is not easy to present in a digital format. For these, we request that you submit up to 3 high-resolution photos of each work in the way you would want them to be presented.Each artist can submit up to five pieces of visual art for consideration. Each piece can include up to 3 high-resolution images of the work if it is not 2-dimensional. FOR THE POST SUBMISSIONS:.Articles for The Post should be included in the body of the email. Do not attach any documents.You may add a cover letter within the body of the email that includes your first and last name, email address, the title of your article, and a short bio (50 words or less).Writers will be asked to specify which form their article takes. The details of each form follows:.A Review provides critical insight into a work of cultural relevance.

    Word count: 500–1000.Commentary furthers discussion about something of cultural relevance. Word count: 500–1500.An Interview should be with someone of notable relevance or authority.

    Word count: 750–2000.A Personal essay explores a unique experience, idea, or question. Word count: 250–2000. While we are generally responsive, please give us up to 100 days to respond to your submission(s). We are not a paying market at the moment. Thank you for considering The Matador Review.The Matador Review acquires First North American Serial Rights for the work we publish in our quarterly. All rights revert back to the author upon publication. If your work is later republished, we request you note its initial publication in The Matador Review.Opinions and other statements expressed by contributors are theirs alone and not opinions of The Matador Review.

    Content created by any contributor is the sole responsibility of the contributor and its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed by The Matador Review.

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